1. P. K. Roy Memorial College, Dhanbad
(Identified to be a Premier College of Jharkhand)
Principal: Dr. Kavita Singh
Mobile: 9430738453
Email: principalpkrmc@gmail.com
2. Bokaro Steel City College, Bokaro
(Identified to be a Premier College of Jharkhand)
Principal: Dr. Umamageswari
Email: principalbscc@bbmku.ac.in
Website: http://www.bscitycollege.org
3. S.S.L.N.T. Mahila College, Dhanbad
Principal: Dr. Sharmila Rani
Mobile: 9431182791
Email: principalsslntmc@bbmku.ac.in
4. R. S. P. College, Jharia
Principal: Dr. Nilesh Singh
Mobile: 9304547842
Email: principalrspc@bbmku.ac.in
Website: http://www.rspcollege.org
5. R. S. More College Govindpur
Principal: Dr. Pravin Singh
Mobile: 9122536792
Email: principalrsmc@bbmku.ac.in
Website: http://rsmorecollege.edu.in
6. B. S. K. College, Maithon
Principal: Dr. Dinesh Pratap Singh
Mobile: 9431322107
Email: principalbskc@bbmku.ac.in
Website: http://bskc.in
7.Katras College, Katrasgarh
Principal: Dr. Birendra Kumar
Mobile: 9835344058
Email: principalktc@bbmku.ac.in
Website: http://www.katrascollege.org
8.Sindri College, Sindri
Principal: Dr. K.K Pathak
Mobile: 835593443
Email: principalsc@bbmku.ac.in
Website: http://www.sindricollege.com
9.Chas College, Chas
Principal: Dr. Bhut Nath Mahto
Email: principalchasc@bbmku.ac.in
Website: http://www.chascollege.org
10. K. B. College, Bermo
Principal: Sri. Laxmi Narayan
Email: principalkbc@bbmku.ac.in
Website: http://kbcollegebermo.in
11. Degree College, Gomia Principal: Dr. Sarita Srivastava
Mobile: 9431612235
Email: saritashree.2008@gmail.com
12.Degree College, RSP-2
Principal: Dr. R.P Singh
Mobile: 9431726296
Email: rajpd2807@gmail.com
13.Degree College, Tundi
Principal: Dr. Indrajit Kumar
Mobile: 947033246
Email: indrajit26@yahoo.com